
Showing posts from April, 2017

Film Review: Beauty and the Beast

I finally got round to watching the 2017 live-action version of 'Beauty and the Beast' yesterday. I had actually been in two minds whether to do so, as professional critics had given it a somewhat lukewarm response. However, all my friends said that they'd thoroughly enjoyed it, so I decided to approach it with an open mind. The new live-action version of  'Beauty and the Beast' Storyline The plot largely follows that of its 1991 predecessor. A vain and selfish prince insults an enchantress by refusing to accept a rose as payment for accommodation. She then places a curse on him and his castle, transforming him into a beast and his servants into household objects. This curse can only be lifted if he learns to love another person and earns her love in return before the last petal falls from the enchantress's rose. But who can learn to love a beast? Evaluation Visually, this is one of the most stunning films I've seen in a long time. The